Ashland Area Economic Development Annual Meeting
This morning the Ashland Area Economic Development (AAED) organization hosted their annual meeting at Ashland University’s Convocation Center.
The program included updates from several area businesses, including the Packaging Corporation of America (PCA), Cowen Truck Line, and SJE Rhombus. Company representatives talked about the growth that they are experiencing at their Ashland County facilities, and what they are forecasting for our economic future.
AAED Coordinator, Aaron Pauly, gave and update on how the organization is currently being funded, and Mayor Matt Miller, who serves as the president of AAED, reported on a number of different economic development projects that have either been completed or are in the works.
Miller emphasized that it is the high quality of life that is attracting people to the Ashland area, and local officials and area organizations are working to make Ashland the most ‘livable” community possible.